Understanding electricity costs
Depending on where you live, you are either a customer of Naka Power (Yellowknife) or Naka Power (NWT), both of which are separate companies with separate regulations.
Both companies are regulated by the Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board, in accordance with the Public Utilities Act. The NWT Public Utilities Board (PUB) is an independent, quasi-judicial agency of the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Learn more about the NWT PUB.
General Rate Applications (GRA)
A GRA (General Rate Application) contains information on our company’s assets, operations and financial affairs. We are required to provide this information to the regulator, the NWT Public Utility Board, in order to explain why it needs to change its rates.
Learn more about our current GRAs for Naka Power Utilities (Yellowknife) and Naka Power Utilities (NWT).
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a GRA?
A GRA (General Rate Application) is a document that contains information on a public utility company’s assets, operations and financial affairs. The public utility company (in this instance, Naka-YK) is required to provide this information to the regulator (NWT Public Utilities Board) in order to explain why it needs to change its rates.
Who regulates Naka Power Utilities (Yellowknife) & Naka Power Utilities (NWT) rates?
Our rates are regulated by the NWT Public Utilities Board (Board) to ensure our rates are fair and reasonable. The rates (tariffs) we charge are all approved by the Board in an open, public process. Our costs are fully transparent and any changes to our rates are subject to a formal process which includes scrutiny by customers, municipalities, and other users.
What is a Rate Rider?
A Rate Rider is a temporary credit or charge that may appear on utility bills in some communities. The Board approves rate riders to enable firms to recover actual operational costs that are not included in the approved rates.
What is the decision-making process for the Public Utility Board?
Under the rate base/rate of return method of regulation, used by the Board, a GRA is usually handled in two phases.
The first phase, known as the “Revenue Requirement”, examines the utility company’s revenues and expenses. The purpose of Phase I of a GRA is to determine the amount of revenue that the utility company needs to earn in a year to cover its costs in providing service to its customers and to earn a fair return on its investment.
Once the Board issues a decision on the Phase I revenue requirement, the utility company may file a Phase II Application, in which it proposes how it is going to collect its annual revenue requirement from each of its various types of customer groups (e.g. residential, commercial, streetlights etc.). The main purpose of a Phase II filing is to determine the specific rates that each type of customer group will be charged and to demonstrate that these rates will enable the utility company to collect its annual revenue requirement.
Current Rates
Naka Power (Yellowknife)
We serve customers who have home or businesses within the City of Yellowknife and N'dilo.
Terms and Conditions
We conduct our business in compliance with the following Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions of Service and any subsequent amendments come into force on the date approved by the Board and supersede any previous Terms and Conditions of the Company.
- View our Terms and Conditions
Power rates in Yellowknife are outlined in the following Rate Schedule and organized by customer type.
- Purchase Power Cost Adjustment Rider F has changed from $0.1217/kWh to $0.1204/kWh as approved by the Board.
- Rider R, Revenue Adjustment Rider will increase from -1.815% to +1.214% as approved in Board Decision 23-2024
- View our Rate Schedule (effective November 1, 2024)
Historical Rates
January 2018, July 2018, January 2019, June 2019, June 2022, June 2023, January 2024, June 2024, August 2024
Hay River
Naka Power (NWT)
We serve customers who have homes or businesses in Hay River, Sambaa K’e, Kakisa, Dory Point, Fort Providence, Wekweeti, Enterprise and Katl'odeeche First Nation.
Terms and Conditions
We conduct our business in compliance with the following Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions of Service and any subsequent amendments come into force on the date approved by the Board and supersede any previous Terms and Conditions of the Company.
- View our Terms and Conditions
Power rates are outlined in the following Rate Schedule and organized by customer type.
- View our Rate Schedule (effective November 1, 2024)
- View our Summary of Rate Codes and Government Programs
Northland (NWT) will be implementing the following change effective July 1, 2024:- Rider A, Fuel Cost Adjustment Rider change (as approved in Board Decision 22-2024) from $0.03510 per kWh in both zones to:
- Hydro $0.1064 per kWh
- Thermal -0.0779 per kWh
- Rider F, Purchase Power Cost Adjustment Rider (Hydro Zone only) from $0.0130 per kWh to -0.0405 per kWh as approved in Board Decision 21-2024
- Rider R has changed as per Board Decision 16-2024
- Hydro: 2.4% to 7.1%
- Thermal: 4.6% to 2.0%
- Rider E has been added as per Board Decision 16-2024
- Hydro: 3.9%
- Thermal: -1.3%
Historical Rates
January 2018, July 2018, January 2019, June 2019, May 2020, February 2021, May 2022, November 2022, June 2023, January 2024, August 2024, September 2024